裁判官は セミノール郡選挙監督官の クリス・アンダーソンに 選挙法違反を一時的に禁令を 出した Judge temporarily injunctions Seminole County Supervisor of Elections, Chris Anderson, due to campaign law violations.
判事は、セミノール郡選挙監督官のクリス・アンダーソンに対して、期日前投票所での有権者勧誘や選挙プロセスの妨害など、選挙運動法違反の可能性を理由に一時的な差し止め命令を出しました。 Judge issues temporary injunction against Seminole County Supervisor of Elections, Chris Anderson, over potential campaign law violations, including soliciting voters at an early voting location and interfering with the election process. アンダーソン氏は再選を狙っており 選挙運動の標識は 法律違反と判断され 特定の行動は 勧誘と判断された Anderson, who is running for re-election, has had some campaign signs ruled to violate statutes, and certain actions taken were deemed soliciting. 予備審問は翌日の8時15分に A preliminary injunction hearing is set for 8:15 a.m. the following day.