旧大統領トランプは 副大統領ハリスの容姿を批判し 彼女と自分を比べました At a PA rally, former President Trump criticized VP Harris's looks and compared himself to her.
元大統領ドナルド・トランプは,民主党の副大統領カマラ・ハリスの外見を批判し,ペンシルベニアの選挙運動集会で,自分と彼女を比較し",彼女よりずっと見事だ"と言った. Former President Donald Trump criticized Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris's physical appearance and compared himself to her at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, saying he was "much better looking than her." トランプの発言は,ウォールストリートジャーナル紙のコラムでハリスは美しいと記述された後,トランプは彼女の民族性を疑問視し,彼女を"狂った"と"気違い"とラベル付けた. Trump's remarks came after a Wall Street Journal column described Harris as beautiful, leading Trump to question her ethnicity and label her as "crazy" and "a lunatic" in previous weeks. ハリスの選挙運動はトランプの発言を嘘と罵り言葉として否定した. Harris' campaign dismissed Trump's comments as lies and name-calling.