36歳のインド出身の店主マインアンク・パテルは ノースカロライナ州で店を強盗した際に銃撃され,未成年容疑者が拘束された. 36-year-old Indian-origin store owner Mainank Patel was fatally shot during a robbery at his store in North Carolina; juvenile suspect in custody.
インド系で36歳の店主,マインアンク・パテルは ノースカロライナ州にある彼のタバコハウス店で強盗の際に銃撃され,死亡しました. 36-year-old Indian-origin store owner, Mainank Patel, was fatally shot during a robbery at his Tobacco House store in North Carolina. 未成年容疑者が 拘束されていますが 年齢を理由に詳細は隠されています A juvenile suspect is in custody, though his details have been withheld due to his age. 善意と地域社会への関与で知られるパテルは 妊娠中の妻と5歳の娘を遺しています Patel, known for his kindness and community involvement, leaves behind his pregnant wife and 5-year-old daughter. 銃撃の動機は不明だが 略奪の企てだったと 予備情報から推測される The motive behind the shooting is currently unclear, but preliminary information suggests it may have been a robbery attempt.