37歳のインド人女優のシュラダ・アーヤは プジャで誕生日を祝い 女性に敬意と安全とケアを 求めることを願った. 37-year-old Indian actress Shraddha Arya celebrated her birthday with a puja and expressed hope for women's respect, safety, and care.
"クンダリ・バギヤ"で有名な37歳のインド人女優のシュラダ・アーヤは,誕生日を祝って,神からの祝福を求めました. 37-year-old Indian actress Shraddha Arya, known for her role in "Kundali Bhagya," celebrated her birthday with a puja seeking divine blessings. 2006年にタミル語映画『カルヴァニン・カダリ』でキャリアをスタートしたアーヤは,すべての女性の尊重,安全,ケアを希望していると述べた. Arya, who began her career in 2006 with Tamil film "Kalvanin Kadhali," expressed her hope for every woman's respect, safety, and care. 彼女の共演者であるディーラジ・ドゥーパーは、彼女の誕生日を祝い、来年も彼女の継続的な成功と成長を願っています。 Her co-star Dheeraj Dhooper wished her a happy birthday and hoped for her continued success and growth in the upcoming year.