2人の"スクワッド"メンバーが米国下院の予備選挙で敗れ,民主党への影響力を潜在的に減少させた. 2 "Squad" members lost in US House primaries, potentially reducing influence on Democratic Party.
民主党の指導部に対する自由主義的立場と批判で知られている,米国下院の進歩派"スクワッド"は,最近の予備選挙で2人の議員が敗れた後,規模が縮小すると予想されている. The progressive "Squad" in the US House of Representatives, known for its liberal positions and criticism of the Democratic Party's leadership, is expected to shrink in size after two members lost in recent primary elections. 敗北の原因は,初回選挙の期間中に特別利益支出が 異常な勢いで増加したことで説明される. Their defeats are attributed to an extraordinary influx of special interest spending during the primary cycle. 民主党内での影響と代表性を低下させる可能性がある. The outcome may reduce the group's influence and representation within the Democratic Party.