パキスタンの28の主要セクターは24年度における所得税総収入の65%を占め,主要なセクターは42%を占めた. 28 key sectors in Pakistan contributed 65% of total income tax revenue in FY24, with major sectors accounting for 42%.
パキスタンの28の主要セクターは,FY24の総所得税収入の65%を担っており,銀行,石油,電力,繊維,通信,医薬品,砂糖セクターは42%を占めています. 28 key sectors in Pakistan contributed 65% of total income tax revenue in FY24, with banking, petroleum, power, textiles, telecom, pharmaceuticals, and sugar sectors accounting for 42%. サービス,食品,タバコなどの他の部門では,税収の総額23%の大幅な増収が見られた. Other sectors, such as services, food products, and tobacco, saw substantial increases in revenue collection, totaling 23% of the tax collection. 連邦税局 (FBR) は,トップ7部門からの税収が35.7%増加し,その他の総収入が44%増加しました. The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) experienced a 35.7% increase in tax collection from the top seven sectors and a 44% rise in total other revenue.