ニュージーランドで10件の強盗,2件の違法な銃所持,2件の盗難容疑で逮捕された42歳の男性 42-year-old man arrested in New Zealand for 10 burglaries, 2 unlawful firearm possessions, and 2 stolen property charges.
ニュージランドで逮捕された42歳の男性 窃盗10件 違法な銃所持2件 盗品の受領2件 42-year-old man arrested in New Zealand, charged with 10 counts of burglary, two counts of unlawful firearm possession, and two charges of receiving stolen property. カピティとオタキのエリアで 4ヶ月間に10件の強盗が起きた 容疑者のオタキの住所から盗難品が回収された Ten burglaries occurred in Kapiti and Otaki areas over four months; stolen items recovered from the suspect's Otaki address. 警察は物品を正当な所有者に返却します. 紛失した物品は,警察に連絡し,ファイル番号240421/0068を引用し,所有権の証明書と一緒に行う必要があります. Police will return items to rightful owners; those missing items should contact police, quoting file number 240421/0068, with proof of ownership.