27歳の元NSW警察官が 麻薬供与罪で起訴され,事件は9月に審理されました. 27-year-old ex-NSW police officer charged with drug supply offences in ACT, case heard in Sep.
南部出身の27歳の元ニュー・ウェールズ州警察官は,オーストラリア首都圏 (ACT) で薬物使用と薬物供給に関連した薬物供給の罪で起訴されました. A 27-year-old former NSW police officer from the southern region has been charged with drug supply offences related to alleged drug use and drug supply in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). 逮捕は5月4日に 警官が勤務中に起こりました 彼は警察を辞めました The arrest occurred on May 4th while the officer was still serving, and he has since left the police force. 起訴状の召喚状は 8月13日に提出され 9月16日にACTの裁判官法廷で審理されます A summons for the charges was served on August 13th, and the case will be heard in the ACT Magistrates Court on September 16th.