1人死亡,家族負傷 高速SW OKCバイク事故で 29丁目南西側とマスタングロードで車両が巻き込まれた 1 killed, family injured in high-speed SW OKC motorcycle crash involving vehicle on Southwest 29th Street and Mustang Road.
1人死亡,家族負傷 SW OKCオクラホマシティのバイク事故:月曜日の夜にオクラホマシティの南西で家族を乗せた車両と高速で衝突した事故で,バイク運転手が致命的に負傷した. 1 killed, family injured in SW OKC motorcycle crash: A motorcyclist was fatally injured in a high-speed crash with a vehicle carrying a family in southwest Oklahoma City on Monday night. 衝突は南西29丁目とムスタング道路の近くで 車両内の家族が軽傷を負った The collision occurred near Southwest 29th Street and Mustang Road, with the family inside the vehicle sustaining minor injuries. 捜査のため,このエリアは封鎖されました. 事件はまだ進行中です. The area was blocked off for investigation as the incident is still developing.