劉建率いる中共代表団がルワンダ大統領カガメの就任式に参加し,一帯一路とFOCACの協力を強化することに合意した. CPC delegation led by Liu Jianchao attends Rwandan President Kagame's inauguration, agreeing to deepen cooperation under BRI and FOCAC.
劉建率いる中共代表団が,ルワンダ大統領カガメの就任式に参加し,意見交換を行い,中国とルワンダの関係について議論した. CPC delegation led by Liu Jianchao attended Rwandan President Kagame's inauguration, exchanging views and discussing China-Rwanda relations. 両国は"一帯一路"イニシアティブと中国・アフリカ協力フォーラムの協力を強化することに合意した. Both sides agreed to deepen cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. 党間交流を強化し,政治対話を強化し,戦略的相互信頼を強める. They will strengthen interparty exchanges, enhance political dialogue, and consolidate strategic mutual trust.