最近の暴動を処理した警察に 感謝のカードやケーキや菓子を贈る Northeast England communities thank police with cards, cakes, and sweets for handling recent riots.
イングランド北東部では、子どもたちや家族が地元の警察に感謝の気持ちを表し、感謝状やケーキ、お菓子を警察署に届けています。 In the North East of England, children and families have expressed gratitude to local police forces by delivering thank you cards, cakes, and sweets to police stations. 地域社会の支援は 警察官が長時間働いた後 最近の暴動を処理するために 休日をキャンセルした後に起こりました The community support comes after police officers worked long hours and cancelled leave to handle recent riots. クリーブランド,ノースンブリア,ダーハムなどの警察は多くの感謝の証を受け取っており,パトロール中に警察官を止め,支持と感謝を表明しています. Police forces such as Cleveland, Northumbria, and Durham have received numerous tokens of appreciation, with members of the public also stopping officers during patrols to express their support and gratitude.