RCCGの総監のアデボエ牧師は,結婚式での化粧と教会の資金の乱用を批判した. RCCG General Overseer Pastor Adeboye criticized makeup at weddings and church fund misuse.
RCCGの総監のEnoch Adeboye牧師は,結婚式でメイクアップをする女性を批判し,彼らを愚か者,そして神の完全性を信じない人だと非難しています. RCCG General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has criticized women wearing makeup at weddings, calling them foolish and disbelieving in God's perfection. RCCGの閣僚会議で 彼は豪華な結婚式を語り 神様が創られたように メンバーに独創的でユニークであるよう促しました During the RCCG ministers' conference, he addressed extravagant weddings and urged members to be original and unique, as God created them. アデボエはまた,海外に教会を設立しながら旅行費に教会の資金を使用する牧師を批判し,偽善だと呼び,神の罰を警告しました. Adeboye also criticized pastors who use church funds for travel expenses while planting churches abroad, calling it hypocrisy and warning them of divine punishment.