ダンウカ アグリテック リーダーシップの変更: 株主承認を待たして,M K Dhanuka 社長,Rahul Dhanuka 取締役社長,R G Agarwal 名誉社長. Dhanuka Agritech leadership changes: M K Dhanuka as Chairman, Rahul Dhanuka as MD, R G Agarwal as Chairman Emeritus, pending shareholder approval.
ダンウカ・アグリテック (Dhanuka Agritech) は,M K Dhanukaが会長となり,R G Agarwalが75歳で会長から退任し,現在は名誉会長となった後,M K Dhanukaが会長となり,R Rahul Dhanukaがマネージングディレクターの役割を担います. Dhanuka Agritech, an Indian agro-chemicals firm, has new leadership as M K Dhanuka becomes Chairman and Rahul Dhanuka assumes the role of Managing Director, following R G Agarwal's stepping down at 75 as Chairman, now Chairman Emeritus. 市場規模は7,904億ルピーで,エコフレンドリーな技術のために日本のイノベーターとICARと連携しています. The company, with market cap of Rs 7,904 crore, collaborates with Japanese innovators and ICAR for eco-friendly tech. 任命は株主の承認を要する. The appointments are subject to shareholder approval.