タンギパホア郡で麻薬、覚せい剤所持、児童虐待の容疑で逮捕された夫婦。 Couple arrested on drug charges, crystal meth possession, and child endangerment in Tangipahoa Parish.
ロレンジャーの夫婦、コーリー・クックとケニーシャ・ジャクソンは、自宅での不審な活動が報告された後、覚醒剤を配布する目的での所持や子供の立会い下での薬物使用など、複数の薬物容疑で逮捕されました。 Loranger couple Corey Cook and Queneisha Jackson were arrested on multiple drug charges, including possession with intent to distribute crystal meth and use of drugs in the presence of a child, after suspicious activity was reported at their home. タンギパホア郡保安官事務所は、交通停止中と、2人の子供がいた彼らの住居で薬物と武器を発見しました。 The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office discovered drugs and weapons during a traffic stop and at their residence, where two children were present. 両子とも親戚の世話にされた. Both children were placed in the care of a relative.