28歳と19歳の男 盗難のアウディで逮捕 警察を高速で追跡 裏庭で発見された車 28-year-old and 19-year-old arrested after stolen Audi leads police in high-speed chase, car found in backyard; court in August.
28歳と19歳の男 盗まれたアウディQ5で 追いかけて逮捕された 28-year-old and 19-year-old arrested in Forbes, Australia after a stolen Audi Q5 led police on a high-speed chase. 追跡は安全上の懸念から中止され,その後,車は裏庭で発見され,容疑者2人が逮捕されました. The pursuit was terminated due to safety concerns, and the car was later found in a backyard, leading to the arrest of the two suspects. 裁判は8月1日に予定されていた. Both men were charged with various offenses and denied bail, with their court appearance scheduled for August 1.