13歳と15歳の容疑者が シアトルで逮捕されました 6月22日 武装強盗で 犠牲者が銃で脅かされた ATM強盗も含む 13 and 15-year-old suspects arrested in Seattle on June 22 for armed robberies, including an ATM robbery where victims were held at gunpoint.
13歳と15歳の容疑者が シアトルで逮捕されました 6月22日 武装強盗で 犠牲者が銃で脅かされた ATM強盗も含む 13 and 15-year-old suspects arrested in Seattle on June 22 for armed robberies, including an ATM robbery where victims were held at gunpoint. 容疑者は盗難車で逃亡し 警察車両と衝突し 逮捕された Suspects fled in a stolen car, collided with a police vehicle, and were arrested. 盗難品が回収され 容疑者は複数の罪で逮捕されました Stolen items were recovered and suspects booked for multiple charges. 7月25日に別のレントン強盗で 2人の少年が逮捕されました Two additional teens arrested in a separate Renton robbery on July 25.