ネショバ郡の政治家は教育,経済発展,医療,保守的な政府,両党制,ミシシッピ州の食料品税の削減について議論した. Politicians at Neshoba County Fair discussed education, economic development, healthcare, conservative government, bipartisanship, and reducing Mississippi's grocery tax.
ミシシッピ州中尉を含む政治家 Politicians including Mississippi Lt. 州知事デルバート・ホセマン,州会計士シャド・ホワイト,民主党上院議員候補タイ・ピンキンスがネショバ郡フェアで教育,経済発展,医療などのテーマで演説した. Governor Delbert Hosemann, State Auditor Shad White, and Democratic Senate candidate Ty Pinkins addressed the Neshoba County Fair on topics such as education, economic development, and healthcare. ホセマン氏はミシシッピ州で保守的な政府の重要性を強調し,ピンキンス氏は両党派主義を呼びかけた. Hosemann emphasized the importance of conservative government in Mississippi, while Pinkins called for bipartisanship. ホワイトは知事候補を暗示し,両政治家はミシシッピ州の食料品税の削減を提唱した. White hinted at gubernatorial aspirations and both politicians advocated for reducing Mississippi's grocery tax.