アラバマの2人の養父母が 18ヶ月の子供の死で 殺人罪で起訴されました 医療の怠慢と欠陥によるものです 2 foster parents in Alabama charged with capital murder for 18-month-old's death due to neglect and lack of medical care.
ブルックリン出身のペイジ・ポゼイ・グライムズ (31) とメイソン・ジョン・グライムズ (36) は 殺人,殺人,重罪殺人, 2 foster parents, Brooklyn Paige Posey Grimes (31) and Mason John Grimes (36), have been charged with capital murder, murder, felony murder, and aggravated child abuse for the death of a 18-month-old foster child in Blount County, Alabama. その子は痩せ去り,11月に地元の病院で亡くなりました. The child was emaciated and died at a local hospital in November. 検察は,その子供には必要な医療が提供されず, 複数の先天性障害のために, 体重の3分の"を落としたと主張しています. Prosecutors claim the child was not given necessary medical care and lost about a third of his body weight due to multiple congenital disorders. この夫婦は以前 5年間で17人の子供を養子に育てていました The couple had previously fostered 17 children over five years.