ANCはVBSの資金を返還すると約束し, 犯罪で起訴されたメンバーに対して行動します. ANC pledges to return VBS funds if implicated, will act against criminally charged members.
ANCの事務総長フィキレ・ムバルーラは,スキャンダルから利益を得たことが判明した場合は, ANCが崩壊したVBS Mutual Bankから受け取った資金を返還すると述べた. ANC Secretary General Fikile Mbalula stated that the ANC will return any funds received from the collapsed VBS Mutual Bank if found to have benefited from the scandal. この決定は,リンポポの元首相とANCの財務長官を含むANCのメンバーが,銀行強盗に関与していたという主張に続く. The decision follows allegations that ANC members, including former Limpopo premier and ANC treasurer-general, were implicated in the looting of the bank. 逮捕されたら,VBSの略奪と関係のあるANCのメンバーは全員退場する. Mbalula said the ANC will only act against those who have been criminally charged rather than acting on allegations and that all ANC members linked to the VBS looting will step aside once arrested.