アディスアベバの71社とオロミヤの19社の事業所が,通貨浮動の後に商品価格が上昇したとして閉鎖された. 71 Addis Ababa and 19 Oromiya businesses closed for allegedly increasing prices of goods after currency float.
エチオピア当局は,中央銀行が国貨を浮動させ,ドルに対して28%の弱体化をもたらした後に,基本的商品の価格を上昇させたとして,アディスアベバで少なくとも71の企業,オロミヤ地域では19の企業の閉鎖を命じた. Ethiopian authorities ordered the closure of at least 71 businesses in Addis Ababa and 19 in the Oromiya region for allegedly increasing prices of basic goods after the central bank floated the national currency, leading to a 28% weakening against the dollar. この動きは,国際通貨基金の新たな融資プログラムを確保し,債務の再編を目的とした. The move aimed to secure a new International Monetary Fund lending program and address debt restructuring. 企業が主に食料品に"不合理な値上げ"を行ったことが判明し,オロミヤ地区で3人が拘束された. Businesses were found to have made "unreasonable price increases" mainly on food items, and three individuals were detained in the Oromiya region.