フロリダ大学のベン・サッセ学長は、妻がてんかんと診断されたため、家族に専念するため7月31日に辞任した。 University of Florida President Ben Sasse resigns on July 31 to focus on family due to wife's epilepsy diagnosis.
フロリダ大学のベン・サッセ学長は、妻がてんかんと診断されたことを受けて、家族に専念するため辞任すると発表した。 University of Florida President Ben Sasse announced his resignation to focus on his family after his wife was diagnosed with epilepsy. ネブラスカ州選出の元米国上院議員を務めたサッセ氏は7月31日に退任し、同大学の理事会は新学長の選出を開始する。 Sasse, who served as a former U.S. senator from Nebraska, will leave his position on July 31, and the university's Board of Trustees will begin searching for a new president. サッセ氏は、妻と子供たちを支えながら、教師や顧問として大学に関わり続けるつもりだ。 Sasse plans to remain involved with the university as a teacher and advisor while also supporting his wife and children.