バイデン大統領は初の単独記者会見で、ウクライナを米国の同盟国と誤って言及し、自身の立候補資格と適格性について質問を受けた。 President Biden faced questions about his candidacy and fitness during his first solo news conference, where he mistakenly referred to Ukraine as a U.S. ally.
ジョー・バイデン大統領は今年初の単独記者会見で、自身の立候補資格と大統領職への適格性について質問を受けた。 President Joe Biden faced questions about his candidacy and fitness for office during his first solo news conference of the year. 注目すべき失言は、ウクライナのウォロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領との会談中に起きた。彼は誤ってウクライナを米国の同盟国と表現した。 A notable gaffe occurred during his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, where he mistakenly referred to Ukraine as a U.S. ally. この失敗にもかかわらず、バイデン氏はイベント中にさまざまな問題や成果についても言及し、国民と直接つながり、自身のリーダーシップに対する懸念に対処する機会を提供した。 Despite this stumble, Biden also addressed various issues and accomplishments during the event, providing an opportunity for him to connect directly with the public and address concerns about his leadership.