ロッチデールで、子供と犬を乗せたアウディA3を巡る警察の高速追跡で衝突事故が発生し、危険運転と麻薬所持の疑いで逮捕者が出た。 A high-speed police chase in Rochdale involving an Audi A3 with a child and a dog inside resulted in a crash and arrests on suspicion of dangerous driving and drug possession.
ロッチデールで起きたアウディA3の高速警察追跡は時速150マイルに達し、車内には3歳の子供と犬が乗っていた。 A high-speed police chase in Rochdale involving an Audi A3 reached speeds of 150mph, with a three-year-old child and a dog inside. 運転手が警官のために停止しなかったことから追跡が始まり、最終的に街灯柱に衝突した。 The pursuit began after the driver failed to stop for officers and ultimately resulted in a crash into a lamppost. 運転手ともう一人の乗客は、危険運転、警察への停止命令の無視、クラスB薬物の販売目的での所持の疑いで逮捕された。 The driver and another occupant were arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, failing to stop for police, and possession with intent to supply class B drugs. 子供は警察に保護され、犬と車も押収された。 The child has been taken into police protection, and the dog and car have also been seized.