シェバズ・シャリフ首相はパキスタン陸軍司令部を訪問し、国家安全保障、地域の安定、軍事準備について話し合った。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited Pakistan's Army headquarters, discussing national security, regional stability, and military preparedness.
シェバズ・シャリフ首相は就任後初めてパキスタン陸軍司令部を訪問し、国家安全保障、地域の安定、軍事準備について軍首脳らと協議した。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited Pakistan's Army headquarters for the first time since taking office, holding discussions with military leaders on national security, regional stability, and military preparedness. 首相と閣僚の主要メンバーは、現在の安全保障環境、脅威の範囲、安全保障の脅威への対応、進行中の対テロ作戦について説明を受けた。 The Prime Minister and key members of his Cabinet were briefed on the current security environment, threat spectrum, response to security threats, and ongoing counter-terrorism operations. 彼らは、テロとの戦いと国の領土一体性の保護におけるパキスタン軍の献身と犠牲を称賛した。 They commended the dedication and sacrifices of the Pakistani Army in the fight against terrorism and safeguarding the nation's territorial integrity.