政治映画『エマージェンシー』に主演するボリウッド女優カンガナ・ラナウトは、インド首相の役割について問われた後、政治的野心を否定した。 Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, starring in political film "Emergency," denies political ambitions after being asked about India's Prime Minister role.
インディラ・ガンジー元首相役を演じる映画『エマージェンシー』の公開に向けて準備を進めているボリウッド女優カンガナ・ラナウトが、政界入りの可能性に関する噂について言及した。 Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing up for the release of her film "Emergency," where she portrays the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has addressed rumors about her potentially joining politics. インドの首相になる計画はあるかとの質問に、ラナウトさんは冗談めかして「『エマージェンシー』という映画を撮ったところだ。 When asked if she had plans to become India's Prime Minister, Ranaut jokingly said, "I just did a film called Emergency. あの映画を見たら誰も私を首相に望んでくれなくなるでしょう。」 After watching that movie, nobody will want me as the Prime Minister."