3頭のジャーマン・シェパードが運河で立ち往生してよじ登ることができなくなったところから救出された。彼らは無傷で、テュレア郡動物管理局に運ばれた。 Three German Shepherds were rescued from a canal after getting stuck and unable to climb out; they were unharmed and taken to Tulare County Animal Control.
テュレア郡の運河で、自力で這い上がることができなくなったジャーマン・シェパード3頭が救出された。 Three German Shepherds were rescued from a canal in Tulare County after they got stuck and were unable to climb out on their own. 消防士と消防士らが現場に駆けつけ、犬たちが登るのを手伝う人もいれば、怖がる3匹目の犬を安全な場所まで運ぶ消防士もいた。 Firefighters and deputies responded to the scene, with some assisting the dogs in climbing out while another deputy had to carry the frightened third dog to safety. その後、犬たちは全員健康状態が良く、トゥーレア郡動物管理局に運ばれた。 The dogs, all in good health, were subsequently taken to the Tulare County Animal Control.