デリー高裁判所は,3人のPFI指導者に保釈金を付与し,資金洗浄のための証拠不十分の判決を下した. Delhi High Court grants bail to three PFI leaders, ruling insufficient evidence for money laundering.
デリー最高裁判所は,資金洗浄事件で起訴されたインドの人気3戦線(PFI)の指導者に保釈金を付与した. The Delhi High Court has granted bail to three Popular Front of India (PFI) leaders accused in a money laundering case. 執行局は2009年以降60億ルピー以上を PFIの銀行口座に預金したと主張し,現金32.03億ルピーであった. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) alleged over Rs 60 crores were deposited in the PFI's bank accounts since 2009, with Rs 32.03 crores in cash. しかし,裁判所は,資金洗浄請求をサポートする証拠が足りず,資金調達の資金調達は,資金流出防止法(PMLA)による犯罪の収益と同一ではないと定めた. However, the court ruled there was insufficient evidence to support money laundering charges, stating that collecting funds does not equate to proceeds of crime under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).