60歳の女性が ボルチモアのベルエロードで 車にぶつかって殺された 今月4度目の歩行者死亡 A 60-year-old woman was hit and killed by a car on Belair Road in Baltimore, marking the fourth pedestrian death there this month.
60歳の女性が金曜の午後6時55分頃にボルチモアのベルエルロードを渡つながら、自動車に致死傷を負った。 A 60-year-old woman was fatally struck by a car while crossing Belair Road in Baltimore on Friday night around 6:55 p.m. She was taken to a hospital where she later died. これは今月ベルアーロードで4人目の歩行者死亡事故です. This is the fourth pedestrian fatality on Belair Road this month. 警察は事件を捜査中 運転手は現場に留まった Police are investigating the incident, and the driver stayed at the scene.