8月25日の銃撃事件で 容疑者が逮捕され 被害者は入院 Suspect arrested for Aug. 25 shooting in Battle Creek; victim hospitalized.
容疑者が逮捕されました 8月25日に起きた 銃撃事件の容疑者です A suspect has been arrested for a non-fatal shooting that occurred on August 25 in the Cliff and Mott streets area of Battle Creek. 39歳の男性被害者は,事件後,入院した. The 39-year-old male victim was hospitalized after the incident. 殺人容疑で起訴された容疑者は セントラル・ストリートと シャーマン・ロードの近くで拘留された The suspect, charged with assault with intent to murder, was taken into custody near Central Street and Sherman Road. 警察は捜査の公的支援を要請している. Police are asking for public assistance in the investigation.