"カントリー・ダイアリーズ"で有名な75歳の韓国人女優のキム・スーミは,5月以来の健康問題と闘い,10月25日に心臓発作で亡くなりました. 75-year-old South Korean actress Kim Soo Mi, known for "Country Diaries," passed away on Oct 25 from cardiac arrest after battling health issues since May.
"カントリー・ダイアリーズ"などの人気テレビシリーズで活躍した75歳の韓国人女優のキム・スーミが 10月25日に心臓発作で亡くなりました. Kim Soo Mi, a 75-year-old South Korean actress renowned for her roles in popular TV series like "Country Diaries," died on October 25 from cardiac arrest. 彼女は健康問題に直面しており,5月から入院していました. She had been experiencing health issues and was hospitalized since May. キムのキャリアは50年以上にわたり,複数の賞を受賞し,数多くの映画やリアリティー番組に出演した. Kim's career spanned over five decades, during which she won multiple awards and appeared in numerous films and reality shows. 彼女の死は韓国芸能界に大きな損失をもたらした. Her passing has created a significant loss in the South Korean entertainment industry.