2018-2021年 アメリカ合衆国 消費者支出の成長は主に高所得世帯によるもので,住宅と株式市場の利益によるものです. 2018-2021 US consumer spending growth primarily driven by higher-income households due to housing and stock market gains.
連邦準備制度 (Federal Reserve) の 調査によると,米国の消費支出の伸びは,主に高所得世帯が助長しており,彼らは住宅や株式市場の利益から恩恵を受けています. A Federal Reserve study reveals that U.S. consumer spending growth is largely fueled by higher-income households, who have benefitted from gains in the housing and stock markets. 2018年以来 高所得層は 低所得層の2倍以上の支出を増加させています Since 2018, high earners have increased spending more than twice as much as low-income groups. 低所得世帯は,パンデミック初期に増加したものの,その後の支出の伸びは著しく遅れている. While lower-income households saw a boost at the start of the pandemic, their spending growth has lagged significantly since then. 平均と高所得世帯が 最近の消費者の回復力を 推進しています Overall, middle- and high-income households have driven recent consumer resilience.