ボラ・ティヌブ大統領は,第54回会計士会議で,ナイジェリアにおける彼の政権の経済改革を詳細に述べました. President Bola Tinubu addressed the 54th annual accountants conference, detailing his administration's economic reforms in Nigeria.
ボラ・ティヌブ大統領は,第54回会計士会議で,戦略的改革を通じてナイジェリアの持続可能な成長を促すための政権の取り組みを概説しました. President Bola Tinubu addressed the 54th annual accountants conference, outlining his administration's efforts to foster sustainable growth in Nigeria through strategic reforms. 外国為替市場の改善を報告した. He reported positive GDP growth and improvements in the foreign exchange market. 重要な取り組みには 収入の集計をデジタル化すること,住宅ローン制度の改革,社会投資の拡大が含まれます. Key initiatives include digitizing revenue collection, reforming the mortgage system, and increasing social investment. ティヌブ氏は,資源管理の透明性と説明責任を促進する上で会計士の重要な役割を強調しました. Tinubu underscored the vital role of accountants in promoting transparency and accountability in resource management.