環境保護と教育拡大で知られる元ワシントン州共和党知事,ダン・エヴァンス氏が, 98歳で亡くなった. 98-year-old former Washington Republican governor Dan Evans, known for environmental protection and education expansion, passed away.
ワシントン州で3期を過ごした著名な共和党の州知事で元上院議員のダン・エヴァンズが 98歳で亡くなりました Dan Evans, a prominent three-term Republican governor of Washington and former U.S. senator, has died at 98. 1925年に生まれ,彼は,最初の州環境省の設立を含む,穏健からリベラルな政策と環境保護への重要な貢献で知られていました. Born in 1925, he was known for his moderate-to-liberal policies and significant contributions to environmental protection, including establishing the first state Department of Ecology. 彼はまた,高等教育の拡大に重要な役割を果たしました. He also played a key role in expanding higher education. 州知事後,エヴァーグリーン州立大学の校長,ワシントン大学のレジェントを務めた. After his governorship, he served as president of The Evergreen State College and as a regent at the University of Washington.