ジャスパー郡拘置所での火災で 7人が火傷を負った. 捜査は進行中. Jasper County Detention Center fire injures 7 individuals with burns; investigation ongoing.
ジャスパー郡拘置所での火災により 7人が負傷し,全員が火傷を負って病院に搬送されました. A fire at the Jasper County Detention Center resulted in injuries to seven individuals, all of whom suffered burns and were taken to the hospital. 事件は土曜日の夜に 収容所で起きた 囚人は逃亡しなかった The incident occurred on Saturday night in a holding cell, with no inmates escaping. 警部が原因を調査中です 情報が得られれば 更新します The sheriff's office is investigating the cause, and updates will follow as more information becomes available. 死亡者は報告されていません There were no reported fatalities.