6 ペンシルベニア州憲法改正は,下院と上院の政治的分断のために前進する可能性が低い.2027年に最も早い投票者プレゼンテーション. 6 Pennsylvania Constitution amendments unlikely to advance due to political divide between House and Senate; earliest voter presentation in 2027.
ペンシルベニア州憲法の修正案は 6件あり 児童性虐待の被害者の 期間制限の延長と 投票者IDの要件の確立は 州議会と上院の政治的分断のために 進まない可能性が高い Six proposed amendments to Pennsylvania's Constitution, including extending the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse survivors and establishing voter ID requirements, are unlikely to advance due to the political divide between the state's House and Senate. 修正案は 党の協力が必要で 進展が止まっており 最早2027年に 投票者に提出される可能性がある The amendments require bipartisan cooperation, which has stalled progress, and the earliest they could be presented to voters is 2027.