死亡した63歳の女性, 豪雨で15万の住民が停電 63-year-old woman killed, 150,000 residents without power after severe storms in southeastern Australia.
オーストラリア南東部の激しい嵐により,63歳の女性が住んでいた小屋に木が倒れて死亡しました. Severe storms in southeastern Australia have resulted in the death of a 63-year-old woman when a tree fell on her cabin. 破壊的な風が68マイル時を超えて,約150,000人の住民を停電させ,学校を閉鎖させた. The storms, featuring destructive winds exceeding 68 mph, left around 150,000 residents without power and prompted school closures. 電力回復には 3日かかる Authorities warn that power restoration may take up to three days. 沿岸地域では高潮が起こり,風による洪水と火災の危険性が高まった. Coastal areas experienced high tides, raising concerns about flooding and increased fire danger due to the winds.