COVID-19の影響を受けた北米衛星通信端末市場; ブロードバンド,IoT,政府の投資により,2029年までに世界市場が33.2Bドルに達する. North America Satellite Communication Terminal Market impacted by COVID-19; global market to reach $33.2B by 2029, driven by broadband, IoT, and gov't investments.
北米の衛星通信端末市場は,さまざまなビジネス部門と国市場に影響を与えるCOVID-19のパンデミックの影響を受けています. The North America Satellite Communication Terminal Market has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affects various business segments and country markets. MarketsandMarketsのレポートによると,世界の衛星通信市場は2029年までに332億ドルに達すると予想されており,その要因は,ブロードバンド接続のニーズ,携帯電話ネットワークのカバー範囲の拡大,IoT接続の需要の増加,SATCOMインフラへの政府の投資などです. A report by MarketsandMarkets reveals that the global Satellite Communication Market is expected to reach $33.2 billion by 2029, driven by factors such as broadband connectivity needs, expanding cellular network coverage, rising IoT connectivity demand, and government investments in SATCOM infrastructure. 消費者部門は最大の市場シェアを占め,航空部門は最も高い成長率を予想している. The consumer segment holds the largest market share, while the aviation segment is predicted to have the highest growth. 中東・アフリカ地域は,接続性の努力が増加したため,最も高い成長率を予想しています. The Middle East & Africa region anticipates the highest growth rate due to increased connectivity efforts.