30歳の妊娠中のジェオルガ・トンプソンは コンサート参加者を襲い 違法な傷害で有罪と認め 仮釈放の判決を受けます 30-year-old pregnant Jeorga Thompson attacks concertgoers, pleads guilty to unlawful wounding, receives suspended sentence.
当時妊娠していた30歳のジェオルガ・トンプソンはヘイドック・パークのクレグ・デイビッドのコンサートで15歳の少女と男性を襲い,負傷した. 30-year-old Jeorga Thompson, pregnant at the time, attacked a 15-year-old girl and a man at a Craig David concert in Haydock Park Racecourse, causing injuries. 薬を取らなかったADHDの トンプソンは 違法な傷害の2つの罪で 罪を認めた Thompson, who has ADHD and did not take her medication, pleaded guilty to two counts of unlawful wounding. 裁判官は即時投獄を考慮したが,45週間の刑を18ヶ月間休刑にして,11月に彼女の子供が生まれると3ヶ月間電子監視された外出禁止令を加えた. Although the judge considered an immediate jail sentence, he suspended Thompson's 45-week sentence for 18 months and added a three-month electronically-monitored curfew after the birth of her child in November. 事件は,トンプソンのグループに向かって水のボトルが投げられたときに起こった. The incident occurred when a water bottle was thrown towards Thompson's group.