ニューヨークの製造業活動は8月に減少し,フィラデルフィア地域は予想外に収縮した. New York's manufacturing activity declines in August; Philadelphia region contracts unexpectedly.
ニューヨークの製造業活動は8月に減少し,Empire State Manufacturing Surveyの指数は -4.7に低下し (-7月の -6.6),新規注文と労働市場は依然として弱くなっている. New York's manufacturing activity declined in August, as the Empire State Manufacturing Survey's index dropped to -4.7 (-6.6 in July), with new orders and labor market remaining weak. しかし,企業は将来の改善について楽観的であり,45%が今後6ヶ月で状況が改善すると予想しています. However, firms remain optimistic about future improvements, and 45% expect conditions to improve in the next six months. 反対にフィラデルフィア地域は予想外の減少で,7月の13.9から -7.0に低下し,1月以来初のマイナス値となった. In contrast, the Philadelphia region unexpectedly contracted, with its index falling to -7.0 from 13.9 in July, marking the first negative reading since January.