エチオピアでは,雨量と土地の不適切な利用により,地震が発生し,300人が死亡,15,000人が避難しました. 300 killed, 15,000 displaced in 2024 Ethiopian landslides due to high rainfall and poor land use practices.
2024年7月,エチオピアは,異常な高度の降雨と,国の地理的景観,土地使用の不良,根深い植物の欠如を含む様々な要因のために,南西部の地域で致命的な山崩に直面しました. In July 2024, Ethiopia faced deadly landslides in its south-western region due to abnormally high rainfall and various factors including the country's geographical landscape, poor land-use practices, and the absence of deep-rooted vegetation. 約300人が死亡し,1万5千人以上が避難しました About 300 people were killed and over 15,000 displaced. 滑り落としを軽減する手段には 排水管の建設,穴をあけたパイプの使用,斜面の切り取り,防壁の建設などがあります Measures to mitigate landslides include constructing drainage channels, using perforated pipes, slope trimming, and building retaining walls. 将来の取り組みは,土地利用の改善と植生面の保全に焦点を当てなければならない. Future efforts should focus on improving land use practices and conserving vegetation cover.