パフォスで逮捕された 59歳の男 盗難銃所持で 関連がある2022年1月の倉庫盗難 59-year-old arrested in Paphos for possessing stolen firearm linked to January 2022 warehouse theft.
59歳の男性 パフォスで 盗難銃所持で逮捕 59-year-old man arrested in Paphos for possessing stolen firearm. 警官の出勤中 容疑者は犯罪者で 住宅街で 盗まれた銃を所持していた An off-duty officer observed the suspect, a known criminal, carrying a stolen gun in a residential area. 銃は2022年1月の倉庫からの盗難と関連しており 銃と爆発物の所持と盗難の罪で 尋問のために拘束されています The gun was linked to a theft from a warehouse in January 2022, and the individual is being held for questioning on charges of firearm and explosives possession, as well as theft.