カントリー歌手のパーカー・マッカラムが、個人的な映像や写真をフィーチャーした、母親に捧げたミュージックビデオ「Things I Never Told You」をリリース。 Country singer Parker McCollum releases a music video, "Things I Never Told You," dedicated to his mother, featuring personal clips and images.
カントリー歌手のパーカー・マッカラムが、母親に捧げた曲「Things I Never Told You」のミュージックビデオをリリースした。 Country singer Parker McCollum has released a music video for his song "Things I Never Told You," dedicated to his mother. このビデオには、パフォーマンス映像だけでなく、パーカーと母親が長年にわたり一緒に踊っている、結婚式の日に一緒に踊っている様子など、心のこもった写真や映像も収録されている。 The video features not only performance footage but also heartfelt photos and clips of Parker and his mom throughout the years, including them dancing together on his wedding day. マカラムはこの曲を書いたわけではないが、彼の心に響き、自分の母親を思い出させたという。 Though McCollum didn't write the song, it resonated with him and reminded him of his own mother.